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Fatwas von Imam Khamenei (H):


Frage: Ist der Verkauf und Kauf von Tabak erlaubt sowie das Rauchen davon?

Antwort: Der Verkauf, Kauf und die Verwendung von Tabak an sich ist zulässig, aber wenn dabei ein relevanter Schaden bei jemandem eintritt, dann ist es ihm nicht erlaubt, diesen zu rauchen und dafür zu kaufen.


schau mal hier http://www.shia-forum.de/index.php?/topic/30150-zusammenstellung-der-am-haeufigsten-gestellten-fragen/

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Fatwas von Imam Khamenei (H):


Frage: Ist der Verkauf und Kauf von Tabak erlaubt sowie das Rauchen davon?Antwort: Der Verkauf, Kauf und die Verwendung von Tabak an sich ist zulässig, aber wenn dabei ein relevanter Schaden bei jemandem eintritt, dann ist es ihm nicht erlaubt, diesen zu rauchen und dafür zu kaufen.


schau mal hier http://www.shia-forum.de/index.php?/topic/30150-zusammenstellung-der-am-haeufigsten-gestellten-fragen/

Ich danke dir vielamals :)

Möge Allah dich und uns allen belohnen

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Ayatollah Fadhlallah (haram):

i have a question regarding smoking. is smoking cigarettes haram? and what about smoking hookah?????


Smoking is forbidden since it causes significant harm to ones health, which could reach, according to the testimony of experts, the extent of serious and fatal diseases.



Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi (haram):

Ruling of Smoking [Tobaccos]

What is the ruling of Smoking cigarette whether for beginners or for those who are addicted to cigarettes, whether it is easy to quit Smoking or not?

Smoking any kind of tobacco and other smokes is Haraam and it has no emergency case, considering that it is possible for all addicted persons to quit that, except with the order of informed physician and there is no different between beginners and addicted persons.

Evidences of Fatwa of Prohibition of Smoking Cigarette [Tobaccos]

Recently, the people are discussing in different societies and meetings about that your highness has prohibited Smoking cigarette; please explain more about this issue.

I have issued this Fatwa conditionally some years ago and it is available in Risalah: If Smoking cigarette (and other smokes) is seriously harmful according to the opinion of informed people then it is Haraam.

But recently, it has been proved for us that serious dangers of cigarette smoke is a reality according to testification and approval of a group of informed physicians and committed university professors, and by considering shocking statistics of deaths caused by Smoking cigarette and dangerous illnesses which are the result of Smoking cigarette, that even children of those who smokes and people who associate with them are not safe! Therefore, I issued the Fatwa of absolute prohibition of that and I ask god to save all Muslims of the world, especially dear young persons who are the first victims of this ruinous disaster, and to look after their relatives, associates and friends with complete awareness. InshaAllah I see the day that our society has been purified f r o m this polluted smoke.


Here, we mention the documents of the issue briefly because of several demands of scholars:

1) Holy Quran says in the verse 195 of Baqara Sura: وَ لا تُلقُوا بِایدیکُم اِلی التَّهلُکَةِ (Do not destroy yourselves by your own hands). According to the statistics which have been announced by specialist physicians, deaths caused by Smoking cigarette reach five million persons a year! And the number of dangerous heart and respiratory diseases and cancers caused by Smoking cigarette is also so much high. Therefore, Smoking cigarette is an example of destroying the self by own hands.

2) Although the rule of there is neither harm nor malice in Islam, derived f r o m several cabbalas, has its root in harming others but we know that having a general definition as the root doesnt limit the rule and it also applies to harming the self.

3) It has been mentioned in famous Hadith of Fiqh al-Reza (a.s.) (فقه الرّضا (ع)): کُلُّ اَمرٍ یُکون فیهِ الفَسادُ مِمّا قَد نَهَی عَنهُ فَحَرامٌ ضارٌّ لِلجِسمِ وَ فَسادٌ لِلنَّفسِ (anything which has corruption is f r o m the things which have been prohibited, and Haraam is harmful for the body and corruption for the soul) and similar to this matter can also be seen in the cabbala of Tohaf al-Oqool (تحف العقول).

According to these cabbalas anything which has a serious harm for the body is Haraam. (Albeit, minor harms which are available in anything and are unavoidable are not included in that and the purpose is major and general harms).

4) Some people have the habit of eating mud, which has been considered as a kind of scrupulosity in Islamic cabbalas and has been strongly prohibited, because it is harmful for the person. It has been mentioned in a cabbala: اِنَّ الطّینَ یُورثُ السُّقمَ فی الجَسَدِ و یُهَیِّجُ الدّاءَ (eating mud causes illness and increases the pain) therefore the late martyr has mentioned the first reason of prohibitions of that بما فیه من الاضرار الظاهر للبدن (by the thing which has apparent harm for the body) in the book Masalik (مسالک). These matters show that prohibition of harmful things was f r o m certainties. Even if obligatory fasting is harmful then it should be renounced, and obligatory Ghusl and ablution convert to Tayammum in case of harmfulness.

5) And above all, according to the certain principle rule کلما حکم به العقل حکم به الشرع (anything which wisdom orders absolutely to that then religious law will also orders to), the issue of prohibition of Smoking cigarette and any other kinds of smokes in our time, which its serious harms has been proved to scientists, leave no place for doubt. Also, origin of Fatwa of prohibition of narcotics by all Maraji is this


Ayatollah Kamal alhaydari: haram. Seine offizielle seite ist gerade offline, weswegen ich keine fatwa raussuchen konnte.

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Ayatollah Fadhlallah (haram):

i have a question regarding smoking. is smoking cigarettes haram? and what about smoking hookah?????

Smoking is forbidden since it causes significant harm to ones health, which could reach, according to the testimony of experts, the extent of serious and fatal diseases.

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi (haram):

Ruling of Smoking [Tobaccos]

What is the ruling of Smoking cigarette whether for beginners or for those who are addicted to cigarettes, whether it is easy to quit Smoking or not?

Smoking any kind of tobacco and other smokes is Haraam and it has no emergency case, considering that it is possible for all addicted persons to quit that, except with the order of informed physician and there is no different between beginners and addicted persons.

Evidences of Fatwa of Prohibition of Smoking Cigarette [Tobaccos]

Recently, the people are discussing in different societies and meetings about that your highness has prohibited Smoking cigarette; please explain more about this issue.

I have issued this Fatwa conditionally some years ago and it is available in Risalah: If Smoking cigarette (and other smokes) is seriously harmful according to the opinion of informed people then it is Haraam.

But recently, it has been proved for us that serious dangers of cigarette smoke is a reality according to testification and approval of a group of informed physicians and committed university professors, and by considering shocking statistics of deaths caused by Smoking cigarette and dangerous illnesses which are the result of Smoking cigarette, that even children of those who smokes and people who associate with them are not safe! Therefore, I issued the Fatwa of absolute prohibition of that and I ask god to save all Muslims of the world, especially dear young persons who are the first victims of this ruinous disaster, and to look after their relatives, associates and friends with complete awareness. InshaAllah I see the day that our society has been purified f r o m this polluted smoke.

Here, we mention the documents of the issue briefly because of several demands of scholars:

1) Holy Quran says in the verse 195 of Baqara Sura: وَ لا تُلقُوا بِایدیکُم اِلی التَّهلُکَةِ (Do not destroy yourselves by your own hands). According to the statistics which have been announced by specialist physicians, deaths caused by Smoking cigarette reach five million persons a year! And the number of dangerous heart and respiratory diseases and cancers caused by Smoking cigarette is also so much high. Therefore, Smoking cigarette is an example of destroying the self by own hands.

2) Although the rule of there is neither harm nor malice in Islam, derived f r o m several cabbalas, has its root in harming others but we know that having a general definition as the root doesnt limit the rule and it also applies to harming the self.

3) It has been mentioned in famous Hadith of Fiqh al-Reza (a.s.) (فقه الرّضا (ع)): کُلُّ اَمرٍ یُکون فیهِ الفَسادُ مِمّا قَد نَهَی عَنهُ فَحَرامٌ ضارٌّ لِلجِسمِ وَ فَسادٌ لِلنَّفسِ (anything which has corruption is f r o m the things which have been prohibited, and Haraam is harmful for the body and corruption for the soul) and similar to this matter can also be seen in the cabbala of Tohaf al-Oqool (تحف العقول).

According to these cabbalas anything which has a serious harm for the body is Haraam. (Albeit, minor harms which are available in anything and are unavoidable are not included in that and the purpose is major and general harms).

4) Some people have the habit of eating mud, which has been considered as a kind of scrupulosity in Islamic cabbalas and has been strongly prohibited, because it is harmful for the person. It has been mentioned in a cabbala: اِنَّ الطّینَ یُورثُ السُّقمَ فی الجَسَدِ و یُهَیِّجُ الدّاءَ (eating mud causes illness and increases the pain) therefore the late martyr has mentioned the first reason of prohibitions of that بما فیه من الاضرار الظاهر للبدن (by the thing which has apparent harm for the body) in the book Masalik (مسالک). These matters show that prohibition of harmful things was f r o m certainties. Even if obligatory fasting is harmful then it should be renounced, and obligatory Ghusl and ablution convert to Tayammum in case of harmfulness.

5) And above all, according to the certain principle rule کلما حکم به العقل حکم به الشرع (anything which wisdom orders absolutely to that then religious law will also orders to), the issue of prohibition of Smoking cigarette and any other kinds of smokes in our time, which its serious harms has been proved to scientists, leave no place for doubt. Also, origin of Fatwa of prohibition of narcotics by all Maraji is this

Ayatollah Kamal alhaydari: haram. Seine offizielle seite ist gerade offline, weswegen ich keine fatwa raussuchen konnte.

Ich danke dir, aber kann leider nicht so gut Englisch.

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Das Rauchen anzufangen ist haram, aber wenn man schon raucht und nicht mehr aufhören kann, ist Makruh.

Wa salam


ich hab es auch so gehört von vielen, hättest du eine Quelle dazu?

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Gerade eben nicht, aber ich werde inshAllah mal suchen.

Von welchen Gelehrten brauchst du die Quelle?

Ich habe diese Fatwa von Sayyid Ali Khamenai gelesen

Das ist egal

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