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Salam meine lieben Geschwister


Ich schreibe nächste woche eine wichtige English arbeit...

Ich schreibe im moment einige texte zur Übung und es wäre total lieb, wenn einige englsih experten sie mir verbessern könnten...


Hier ist der erste:



How TV affects



From my point of view television can be an excellent educator and entertainer.

It can also get in the way of exploring and learning, especially younger children can improve their language

and broaden their minds. However attention, too mush television is damaged.


The first problem is obesity. While watching TV people are inactive and tend to snacks.

In addition without noticing it advertising encourage them to eat unhealthy foods. S

o you see there is a relationship between excessive TV- watching and being overweight.


However I think the most risky point is the violence on TV.

It influences the behaviour of small children because they can be traumatized and vulnerable.

They are also likely to believe that the world is scary and that something bad will happen to them.

In addition they are not able to distinguish between reality and virtual.


An other point is that TV is chock full of programs and commercials that often contain risky behaviours.


And often, there is no discussion about the consequences of drinking alcohol, doing drugs and smoking cigarettes.


In conclusion besides the good qualities of watching TV there are so many dangers.

So try to limit the hours your child spends on TV.


Danke schon mal im Vorraus #salam##salam#

die nächsten Texte folgen später oder morgen....



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How TV affects



From my point of view television can be an excellent educator and entertainer.

It can also get in the way of exploring and learning, especially younger children could improve their language

and broaden their minds. However, too much television could have a negative effect for your concentration. (However attention, too mush television is damaged.)


The first problem is obesity. While watching TV people are inactive and tend to snacks.

In addition without noticing it advertising encourage them to eat unhealthy foods .Da müsstest du mal auf Deutsch sagen, was du hier überhaupt sagen willst. Ich verstehe das nicht so richtig :)

(So you see) Consequently there is a relationship between excessive TV- watching and being overweight.


However, I think the most risky point is (the) violence on TV.

It influences the behaviour of small children because they can be traumatized and vulnerable.

They are also likely to believe that the world is scary and that something bad will happen to them.

In addition they are not able to distinguish between reality and virtual.


Another point is that TV is chock(?) full of programs and commercials that often contain risky behaviours.


And often there is no discussion about the consequences of drinking alcohol, consuming drugs and smoking cigarettes.


In conclusion there are good results of watching TV as well as there are many dangers.

So try to limit the hours your child spends on TV.


Danke schon mal im Vorraus #salam##rose#

die nächsten Texte folgen später oder morgen....






So würde ich es machen. Ist vielleicht nicht ganz perfekt, weil ich das jetzt auf die schnelle gemacht hab #lol#

Es wäre auch wichtig zu wissen, in welche Klasse du gehst und welche Schulform diese ist. Dann kann man das evtl anpassen :)



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Danke dir #salam#


Ich gehe in die 10. Klasse eines Gymnasiums..

Nochmal danke ich bin gerade am verbessern... bei dem einen Satz lass ich einfach "without noticing it" weg hehe...is vill besser...



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Beim zweiten Satz "get in the way" hört sich nicht Englisch an, das musst du verbessern

Du machst bei Verben manchmal ein s dazu, obwohl doch nur für he she it gilt, dass s mit muss.

"They are likely to believe" geht glaub ich auch nicht so.



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Beim zweiten Satz "get in the way" hört sich nicht Englisch an, das musst du verbessern

Du machst bei Verben manchmal ein s dazu, obwohl doch nur für he she it gilt, dass s mit muss.

"They are likely to believe" geht glaub ich auch nicht so.






"get in the way" is schon richtig #rose# das hat uns so die lehrerin gesagt :)

Das mit dem S an den verben fin dich nich, wäre nett wenn du es mir genauer zeigen würdest....

Bei "they are likely to believe" fällt mir irgendwie nichts besseres ein...hmmm...ich überlege noch


Danke dir #rose#

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Bei "they are likely to believe" fällt mir irgendwie nichts besseres ein...hmmm...ich überlege noch

Vielleicht kann man sowas sagen wie: "They can easy become influenced."



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Although television is a great source of entertaining as well as educating the society it can also prevent youngsters from exploring, learning and experiencing life first hand. In today’s society the range of audiences for the television programs vary to the point where media is no longer controlled.


One of the main obstacles of being addicted to television entertainment is lack of exercise. People tend to choose watching television and snacking along ore often then they would go for a walk to chase away their boredom. The advertisements in the television encourage the viewers to eat unhealthy food which results in to obesity.


Vulnerable Children and teenagers are preached of how that the world outside is evil which traumatizes then and forces them in to confusing the reality with the virtual life.


Children should only be exposed to the programs that can be beneficial and entertaining to them with the guidance of a parent or a responsible elder.



i hope that helped.



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