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wann ist musik betäubend?


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ich habe wieder eine frage #salam#

und zwar ab wann ist musik betäubend? und findet ihr dass das lied von sami yusuf "hasbi rasbbi" schon betäubend ist?


ich bedanke mich schon jetzt für eure antworten #salam#



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Why Islam has forbidden (Haram) music and what is the philosophy and reason for it?


Antwort von Ayatullah Makarem Shirazi (ha)


Although, the popular use of music prevents many people to think properly and logically about it, and by virtue of the improper idea hold strongly by some people (popularity of something could be a proof for its harmlessness), they do not accept to study about the harmful and ill-effects of music.


However, the realistic people never suffice with this, and for finding the realities, they always attempt and study despite of their popularity.


Music could be discussed from several aspects


In view of corporeal harms and its ill-effects on man’s nervous system: Dr. Wolf Adler, a professor of Colombian university says:


The best music songs have the worst effects on man’s nervous system, especially when the weather is warm; its undesirable effects are more!


Dr. Alexis Carl, the well-known French physiologist and biologist writes:


The ferocious satisfaction of lusts may attract some significance, but nothing is more illogical than spending life for recreation. The general decrease of intellect and mind power is caused by Alcohol, and finally irregularity in habit. Undoubtedly, cinema and radio share in this mental crisis.


In general, music shall be counted as narcotic, because its narcotic effects are never deniable. There are different types of narcotic and man could narcotize its nervous system through several ways. Sometimes it is achieved through drinking, like alcoholic beverages with a strong narcotic effect on the nervous system which inactivate man’s power of perception and wisdom.


Once it is achieved through smelling via nose, like Heroin dust which is smelled by nose and inactivates nervous system for some time. Many of the patients apply it through intravenous injection.


Once it is achieved through ear duct, and listening music and concert has a narcotic effect on the hearer.


Considering above, you will approve that music is just a narcotic, and has all and or many of narcotic faults and harms.


Basically, the extreme pleasure achieved by people for listening it, is for its narcotic effect. Sometimes, the narcotic effect is so strong that man loses his intellect and wisdom and performs abnormal movements and actions.


For instance, when the narcotic effect of music is strengthened, man loses the power of proper judgment. He could not perceive good and bad properly. When he is affected by the mysterious factors of audio attraction and his power of intellect, thinking and distinguish is dominated by the presto tones of music, he may commit any inappropriate action.


I do not think we need to mention an example for this, because everybody knows that the dances of men and women with each other are always done by presto tones of music, and the vibration of its tones covers individuals’ intellect and perception in such a way that they do any action even inappropriate with his humanity rank.


It goes without saying that alcohol and music have been the means of lustfulness for the luxurious men and women, and they resort it for narcotizing their nervous system in particular situations. It is true that Islam never prohibits man from the natural pleasures, but it prohibits him from the transient pleasures appearing through narcotization of nervous system and temptation of sexual instincts.


Moral borders of music


There is no doubt that these songs and music are one of the causes of moral degeneration. The tempting music spreads immorality.


Moreover, the heart filled with tempting songs and romantic poems does not have any place for remembrance of God!; and or thinking of the poor and deprived!


Is it possible to call Halal in a divine religion what could cause such ill-effects?!


It is concluded that music songs are both narcotic to the nervous system, and revive a series of lusts in man.


In sanitary point of view, it has been proved that there are numerous factors and reasons for increase of sudden death rate, one of which is contagion of music, because it is the cause of excitement, that is, disorder in balance of nervous system. Those, whose nervous system is bombed day and night by various music songs are subject to infarct and apoplexy.


Ich bezeuge selber, dass die oben angeführten Punkte zu treffen. Wer viel Musik gehört hat, weiß wovon hier gesprochen wird.

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Inshallah geht es euch allen gut.


Das irritiert mich jetzt aber. Musik zu hören, kann doch nicht vollständig verboten sein. Es gibt zudem doch auch religiöse Musik.


Großayatollah Saanei sagt:


7- About the question of music, His Eminence holds that the prohibition of music and lyrics is based on content and thus, any sound and lyric and music which does not promote laxity and immorality and does not misguide human-beings or blemish the visage of Islam, is not forbidden.




Ich denke eher, dass der Schwerpunkt auf den Inhalt der Texte liegt oder wenn die Musikrichtung an sich, unmoralisches vertritt und dafür geschaffen wurde und dient (Techno z.B.).


Musik ist doch auch Bestandteil jeder Kultur und jedes Volkes der Erde.


Zu vielen islamischen Poesietexten wird doch auch bestimmte Musik gespielt.


Wenn Vögel zwitschern, ist es doch auch eine Art von Musik oder wenn wir Menschen in fremden Sprachen sprechen hören.


Bestimmte Musiklieder oder Musikrichtungen sind schon "berauschend" oder "in Trance bringend", aber ein vollständiges Verbot von Musik kann es doch nicht geben.


Großayatollah Khamenei sagt:


F. 42: Was unterscheidet die erlaubte Musik von der verbotenen Musik und ist klassische Musik erlaubt? Es wäre schön, wenn Sie uns einen Maßstab dafür geben?


A: Diejenige (Musik), welche nach Ansicht des Brauchs als vergnügende [lahã], stimulierende Musik gewertet wird, die sich für Veranstaltungen der Vergnügung und Falschheit [b~til] eignet, ist eine verbotene Musik, ohne Unterschied dabei zwischen klassischer und anderer Musik, und die Bewertung dieser Thematik ist der üblichen (am Brauch orientierten) Ansicht des religiös Erwachsenen überlassen. Und eine Musik, die nicht derartig ist, ist an sich zulässig.


F. 44: Was ist gemeint mit vergnügender [lahã] stimulierender Musik? Und was ist der Weg zur Unterscheidung vergnügender stimulierender von anderer Musik?


A: Die vergnügende [lahã] stimulierende Musik ist diejenige, die den Menschen von der Art her aus seinem natürlichen Zustand herausbringt, aufgrund dessen, was sie an Eigenschaften beinhaltet, die sich für Veranstaltungen der Vergnügung und des Ungehorsams eignen. Und maßgebend für die Bewertung der Thematik ist der Brauch.


Möge Allah euch reichlich belohnen und beschützen.


Va Salam

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