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Öffentlicher Druck wegen, vom FBI verschleppter, konvertierter Journalistin, wirkt - es ist aber noch mehr Druck nötig

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BREAKING: US District court says Marzieh Hashemi is not guilty of any crime and expects her release upon completion of her testimony before a grand jury as a material witness. #FreeMarziehHashemi



the idea of a "material witness" is vague at best - and testifying before a grand jury can be delayed for as long as the US Admin wants it to be delayed.  I believe the unsealing of this document is an attempt to placate the movement demanding the freedom of Marzieh Hashemi - so the pressure must be maintained

Hier für die sofortige Freilassung unterschreiben 



Für noch mehr Infos über den Zusammenhang/ Hintergrund siehe:

https://www.shia-forum.de/index.php?/topic/72696-extreme-angst-der-imperialisten-vor-press-tv -journalisten/


We want to provide the following update on our mother Marzieh Hashemi:
Sarah, Marzieh’s daughter, received a second phone call from her on the evening of Friday 18th January.
Marzieh said that a grand jury session took place Friday 18th January and that a subsequent session is scheduled on Wednesday 23rd January.
Reza, Marzieh’s youngest son, who had been subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury Friday 18th January, has had his appearance postponed until Wednesday 23rd January.
Marzieh’s two other children; Hossein and Sarah are also scheduled to appear on Wednesday 23rd January. 
Marzieh’s children have been very concerned for their mother since her first phone call to them on Tuesday 15th January in which she described that her hijab was removed against her will and she was forced to take a mug shot without her hijab on. She was given short-sleeved clothing that does not comply with her religious dress code and she was forced to wrap a t-shirt on her hair as a temporary head-covering. The police had refused to give her halal or vegetarian meals, effectively denying her food and meaning she has only been able to eat a little bread since being detained. 
Marzieh has informed her daughter, that she has now been given a hijab and “food to get by”. 
The children had transferred money to Marzieh but she had not been made aware of this. 
A partially unsealed federal court document released Friday confirmed that Marzieh has not been accused of any crime and is being detained as a material witness.

The document states that Marzieh is “expected” to be released after her testimony is complete, but it is not clear when that will be. Nor is it clear what is being investigated. Her children have still been given no indication as to what the investigation is about. 
Marzieh’s sons and daughter are still very concerned. 
Sarah Hashemi says “Nothing is for sure at the moment, we are hoping she will be free soon, but we have no concrete information and don’t know when that will be. We still do not know what this is about, which concerns us greatly. This is a very difficult time for the whole family. My mother is a well-known journalist and has not committed any crime but this whole process has felt as if she is being treated like a criminal. It was very distressing to hear that her hijab was taken off and mug shot taken without it and I was relieved to hear she now has her hijab. We just want mom home.”
Marzieh Hashemi, 59, is an African-American Muslim journalist who has been in the United States, visiting family including her ailing brother and her grandchildren.
On Sunday 13th January she was taking an internal flight from St Louis airport to Denver when she was detained and transferred to a Washington DC facility by the FBI. 
Marzieh was born in the United States and is an American citizen. She is a Journalism graduate from Louisiana State University. She has been a journalist for several decades. In recent years she has been living in Iran for work as a journalist and often travels home to the United States to visit family and friends. She has also, sometimes, filmed about issues concerning the treatment of African Americans on these trips.

For any questions or concerns please email at: 





بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

May peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, his pure progeny, and his loyal companions.

We wanted to thank everyone again for the outreach and support for our mother, Marzieh Hashemi. It has been overwhelming, and is, in fact, making all the difference.

We have also seen significant media exposure for Marzieh Hashemi, although we have ourselves held back from speaking to the media over the past few days due to legal concerns. We will be happy to be more candid once these concerns subside.

The media exposure has been extremely helpful, in a very real way. The prison where she is being held is now making special arrangements for her food to be halal. They have also finally facilitated her requests regarding hijab. We do not think this would have been possible without media exposure and community pressure.

We have multiple lawyers and legal experts now involved in her case at the same time. These are seasoned individuals with high security clearance that allows them the necessary access they need to try and resolve this case on the legal front.

Alhamdulillah our mother has access and exposure, but there are unfortunately many Muslims in American prisons who need similar accommodations that are never arranged for them. Many Muslims in American prisons who do not, and cannot afford the most qualified legal teams. Our main worry should be with them.

They are invisible, and may go years without their religious requests taken seriously by anyone. Perhaps our mother’s imprisonment will bring exposure to these less known members of our community, and encourage on the ground activism to ensure the rights of these brothers and sisters.

We are all responsible for their wellbeing. These are the people that our mother speaks to us about most often, and tells us not to forget them, not to ignore them.

For us; Hossein, Sarah, and Reza Hashemi, this is not just about our mother. Her case highlights a larger constitutionally legitimized process by way of which people who have not committed a crime can be put in prison through legal means. They can be kept in prison for an indefinite period of time, and all of this is deemed legal and legitimate under U.S. law. This is highly problematic and can effect any one of us at any time.

We believe that it is imperative, especially for marginalized people in the United States of America to understand these controversial laws pertaining to being a “material witness” and other laws that can lead to our detention even if we have done nothing wrong.

We echo the voice of many legal and rights advocacy groups in the United States that find the constitutionality of these laws highly problematic, and, moving forward, we intend to assist organizations that are challenging this legal loophole.

At the moment, we are led to believe that Marzieh Hashemi’s release this coming week is a possibility, although nothing is for certain. We also believe that we are in a strong position on the legal front in general. This is certainly a result of community support.

Again, we don’t know anything for certain about her release. We were able to speak to her on the phone a second time on Friday 18 January. Her overall condition seems to be okay at the moment, but she did seem quite tired.

What is most difficult for us to grapple with is the fact that our mother will remain in prison for the duration of the legal proceedings, however long it may be, despite the fact that she has not been charged with any crime.

We will go forward by placing all this in Allah’s hands, for we plan and they plan, but He is the best of planners.

في أمان الله الكريم

For further queries or to keep updated email



Die email Adresse der Familie ist auch auf  deren eigener Facebook-Seite öffentlich sichtbar


Bolton, Pompeo behind arrest of Marzieh Hashemi: Analysts


US making a 'fool' out of itself by jailing Press TV anchor: Journalist- The arrest and imprisonment of Marzieh Hashemi show the US government’s hypocrisy



By Dr Farrokh Sekaleshfar 

In the name of the Almighty


When a Muslim Ummah is tested!

Recently, news has been released that sister Marzieh Hashemi has been arrested by the US authorities and taken under the supervision of the FBI. Although I know the sister in person – like many of you – nevertheless I do not want to speak about her or give a biographical account of who she is and her relentless efforts in the cause of Islam. Others can do that much better than me. The question I would like to raise and semi-dissect is: what should we Muslims do? I usually do not write on such incidents because I feel I am not at all experienced enough. But since I knew her in person and recall when she bid me farewell the day before leaving for the States, the below is my humble contribution and what I can offer to her.
Before writing a few words on this however, I want to shed some light on the mystical angle of such incidents and that is, that she is benefiting spiritually from this oppressive episode and her struggles and burdens will disclose nothing but goodness primarily to herself and maybe to the ummah, depending on how the ummah reacts.
The Quran states: “if you did good, you did it for your own selves, and if you did bad, it is for your own selves”
If one does good, they will only benefit themselves spiritually; whether others benefit from their efforts, depends on how those ‘others’ reacted to the good of that person. If they react positively, the ummah grows. If they react negatively, the ummah will suffer and be a recipient of more of the same troubles experienced by the good doer.
How can this horrific experience assist Ms Hashemi? Answer: through tawheed i.e. she relies less and less on creatures and becomes more and more reliant upon the sole self-sufficient authority i.e. Allah. She does not fear the oppressive forces at play because she knows no-one can honour or dishonour her save Allah. There is no effector or authority save Allah. The FBI are merely an amusement and deviation. It’s a side-show for the monotheist. They cannot do anything. Its all Allah in play and she will become more and more stronger and reliant upon Him over time. All actions are Allah’s creation and therefore are good. Evil does not exist. It’s a relative term, coined as a mental construct for us humans and how close or distanced we become from the source of absolute perfection. Evil is a mental construct pertaining to our spiritual wayfaring towards absolute perfection. Evil cannot exist in the external world. Its impossible and claiming such would be attributing deficiency to Allah. Ms Hashemi now has been granted the honour of manifesting lady Zaynab’s slogan of “I see nothing but beauty”. So ‘evil’ only applies to our spiritual status quo when it is in the state of becoming farther away from manifesting the divine attributes of Allah. With every beating or act of oppression she receives, she will become more and more illuminating inside and this indeed is an honour for a monotheist. So bravo upon you sister! But what about us and the ummah? All the above was her duty and her spiritual fate. But what are we going to do? 
Are we going to waste this golden opportunity? Are we going to allow all her efforts and struggles go to waste? If we do, history will keep repeating and maybe many of us are comfortable with that as long as it does not compromise our worldly lives. However, for those who want to do something, what is the plan? What are the means to be used?
First we must try and find the help from within and not outreach towards US federal authorities. This would be spiritually crippling. Even if some claim that we are coerced to do this, it is still tantamount to getting help from the enemy, strengthening them and even taking them as your allies or authorities. This would dishonour us. This is not acceptable as a first course of action. We shouldn’t even be cooperating with non-Muslim legalists and lawyers as a first course of action, paying them extensive sums of money, strengthening their authority and belittling ourselves. Yes as a last resort, this is ‘permissible’ from a shariah point of view, but it will still qualify as contaminating ourselves, from a tariqah point of view. Don’t suffice with the letter of the law. Okay so what should we do?
I don’t know and its not up to one person like me to decide. A strong board of scholars must formulate a protocol for the muslim masses, especially those in the US – something which we are utterly lacking today. Most of our organizations are either afraid of protecting Islam due to losing out on and compromising their worldly opportunities in the USA and others are just not bothered to do anything and want to continue assigning themselves as the suppressed without making an effort to retaliate such a status quo. But what we can do, starting with the communities Ms Hashemi was a part of in the USA, we must start protesting and exercising as much demonstrations as possible, merely highlighting the oppressions actualised. 
We Muslims have to start from a grass root level under the auspices of the clergy (if accessible). Strengthening ourselves albeit only quantitatively through peaceful demonstrations is a start. Only after fortifying ourselves, should we invite others to join in. who?
Ms Hashemi was part of a minority group, black and female. These categories of people must be informed on a vast scale and invited to join. It will affect them too in the future. All this costs money but this is where the money should be spent first. Muslim lawyers should be honouring themselves to join the masses and cooperate maximally. And inshallah if organised properly, a significant shift will arise and Islam will succeed one step forward. This is merely one step closer to the threshold of explosion after which, Islam will permeate throughout the world. But until we get there, we must do our bit. This would be our deliverance inshallah!


Bolton, Pompeo behind arrest of Marzieh Hashemi: Analysts


US making a 'fool' out of itself by jailing Press TV anchor: Journalist- The arrest and imprisonment of Marzieh Hashemi show the US government’s hypocrisy



Auch wenn es nicht direkt etwas mit der verschleppten Journalistin zu tun hat, so passt dieses Video trotzdem zum Thema- US-Amerikanerin postet ihre Meinung über Trump in Facebook und schon steht der Geheimdienst vor ihrer Tür


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