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33. Islamische Revolution


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Anlässlich der 33 Jährigen Islamischen Revolution wünsch ich der ganzen Ummah

alles Liebe und vor allem viel Erfolg im Erstreben und bei der Förderung der Einheit unter den Muslimen




Millions of Iranians have staged massive rallies both at home and abroad to celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution


The demonstrations have kicked off in more than 1000 Iranian cities and towns as well as 5,000 villages across the country.


In the capital city, Tehran, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators have since early Saturday been heading towards the iconic Azadi (Freedom) square, where President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is scheduled to deliver a speech.


Officials say more than 300 foreign and around 1500 Iranian correspondents will cover the celebrations, ceremonies and demonstrations.


This year's rallies are expected to be one of the greatest ever, as the event has coincided with the growing popular movements across the globe, including the ongoing Islamic Awakening in the Arab world, which according to many political observers are inspired by Iran’s Islamic Revolution.


Meanwhile, the Iranians are set to renew their allegiance to the values of the Islamic revolution, in the face of the West’s escalating war rhetoric and sanction policies against Tehran over its peaceful nuclear program.


Celebrations to mark the anniversary of the victory of Iran's Islamic Revolution have also been held in other countries.


The Iranian nation toppled the US-backed Pahlavi regime 33 years ago, ending the 2,500 years of monarchic rule in the country.


The anniversary of founder of Iran’s Islamic revolution Imam Khomeini's return to the country on February 1, 1979, marks the beginning of the Ten Days of Dawn celebrations, which culminate on February 11 -- the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution.



Quelle: http://presstv.com/detail/226087.html





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As-salamu 'alaikum,


der freie, unabhängige und islamische Staat ist gerade mal 33 Jahre jung. Und dennoch steht es wie eine alte Macht standhaft gegen die Verbrecher der Welt. Möge diese wahrhaftige islamische Republik beschützt und gesegnet werden. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag der Revolution! rose.gif


Was-salamu 'alaikum

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